Monday, May 9, 2011

Introduction to Wireless Network Security and Security in 6 Easy Steps


Bradley T.(n.d)Introduction to Wireless Network Security and Security in 6 Easy Steps. Retrieved on April 27, 2011, from

We should change the system ID to prevent the Hackers to attack our networks. And, enable inscription which is hard to do it by people who have not majored in computer. Then, use a good firewall and Change the Default Administrator Password which is the password on your wireless network, and keep your firewall up to date with updating windows.short period of time. Finally, I came to the United States to study this thing because it has a very strong universities on this filed. The article was about introduction to wireless networks security and some steps to secure your wireless networks. First, the author mentioned to the beginning of the network and how it started entering the houses. Also, he explained the setup of the internet which is a kind of the networks. We need provider to connect with wireless access point and router to broadcast the signal and receive it again. Then, the author indicated to a problem with having this technology which allows to people attack your system easily. Finally, He gave us some steps help us to protect our wireless networks.

I believe that everyone has to have experience with wireless networks security to protect his computer and prevent anyone to access his system. Also, it is the most important aspect for the companies when they think to build their networks. For example Pentagon has changed and updated its networks and security every day. In addition, every bank works to improve its privacy and system by building a strong security. Moreover, I have chosen this filed for two reasons. First, I’m so interested to know and work with the security because my computer attached many times. Second, I can earn a lot of money more than many jobs in

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